
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Path to Glory: Khorne vs Stormcast, 2020.03.10


Soaring high in the air, Arbra'Gax followed the column of smoke to a small barbarian village. There was a gathering of sorts, a group of elders speaking to the populace. The Bloodthirster furled his wings and dove. The humans noticed the whistling of the air far too late, and by the time they lifted their gaze to the sky, Arbra'Gax was already crashing into them, smashing the speakers into bloody pulp. Ponderously, he got to his cloven feet, brandished his weapons, and howled. Most fled; some drew weapons. Arbra'Gax lifted his runesword, channeling his will into it, rising bloodlust spreading into the humans. Those nearest charged with a fierce cry. The Bloodthirster slew them; they were a good offering to Khorne. As the rage spread, the barbarians started hacking at each other. Soon, the village was a pile of corpse-strewn rubble. By the time his warband reached it, Arbra'Gax was already anointing the leaders of his new horde with the lifeblood of their once-friends.

'Great Lord! Who shall we slay next?' stuttered one.

'The lightning-men! They are building something! We shall hack them to pieces!' cried another, foaming at the mouth.

Arbra'Gax lifted his blade once more, and gave his howling assent. If there were Stormcast in the vicinity, he would slaughter them.

Mission: The Monolith

The band of Stormcast defend the statue of Sigmar amid their temple complex.

Battle round 1

Arbra'Gax held his warband in check, allowing the Stormcast to fret in their armor at the coming storm. Then he gave the order, and the warband advanced. They tripped and fell over each other in their haste, failing to coalesce into a proper charge.

Battle round 2

The Bloodthirster allowed his warband to surge forth and overwhelm the Stormcast. 

However, the chosen of Sigmar held their ground, and the followers of Khorne broke upon them.

Battle round 3

The Stormcast seized the initiative, and launched an ordered counterattack. The Knight Azyros shone his lantern, and the daemons wailed in agony. Javelins slammed into Arbra'Gax, and the Bloodthirster went down to the hammer blows that followed.

There was but one chance for Khorne to triumph. The Bloodcrushers gave in to their Murderlust (empowered by the blood spilled), and left their lesser quarry to turn round and assault the Monolith.

Battle round 4

Alas, the Stormcast did not let the daemons have their way, capitalizing on their momentum and acting immediately. Faced with their overwhelming might, the daemons were soundly beaten.

(I conceded, as there was no way the Bloodcrushers would survive a turn - the Monolith had to be demolished in my own hero phase. It was a last gamble, my only chance to win: win the roll-off, take a double turn, and roll a 4+ to destroy the Monolith.)


Arbra'Gax re-entered this world howling in agony. In his almighty rage at failure, Khorne had "blessed" him with molten blood. Every movement, each step, was pain in its purest form. But the Bloodthirster thought about his molten innards spilling over his enemies, and laughed in joy and pain. He would repay his suffering, tenfold.

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