
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Repainting Bloodletters


I bought this 10-man squad of Bloodletters some time ago, and used them as part of the bomb. With the Path to Glory campaign, I want them brought up to standard.

Original state

3 colors, tournament ready. I guess I could have started from here, but I wanted something to mesh with the rest of my Bloodletters.


Bloodletter skin - finally a painting tip.

Horns, teeth, claws.

Eyes: white.

Then fill in with Hexwraith Flame.

Gory Red, then Bloody Red on the flowing blood.

I originally wanted green or purple tongues, but I decided to go with the fleshtone they were already painted in. Washed Reikland Fleshshade and highlight with Heavy Skintone.

I also prepared the base and the swords, detailed below.

Spray varnish

With all the matte paints finished, I sprayed Munitorum Varnish.

Painting shinies

For the gold details (banner, horns): Polished Gold, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Glorious Gold.
For the silver details (banner crossguard and spikes, sword pommel and crossguard): Gunmetal, Nuln Oil Gloss, Silver. 
Blood for the Blood God! on the flowing blood.


I experimented with molten blade effects. The end results are OK for troop-grade models.

Basecoat white.

Do a rough blend of Orange Fire and Sun Yellow. These must be the worst paints ever to blend, as they are too runny and don't mix well. However, the following steps mostly obscure this.

Method 1. Sponge black. Apply this heavily all across the blade.

Then paint small lines, like incisions, from the edge towards the center of the blade: spots where the molten metal had cooled. I also ran a thin strip of Fuegan Orange across the edge, to darken it down.

Method 2. The same black sponged on, but much lighter.

Mix Dead White and Sun Yellow, sponge it on the half of the blade close to the hilt. I initially tried this with Fluo Yellow, but it was too thin/runny to sponge on properly.

Sponge on Dead White, just around the hilt.

The two methods are fairly similar so that the squad's weapons don't look too different, but they add some variety and were great experiments. The molten blades actually look good with minimal effort.


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