
Monday, June 1, 2020

May review & June goals

May was similar to April... but better in every way.

Gaming wise, Dungeons & Dragons is still the unstoppable juggernaut. I had to step in as DM due to reasons, so expect some deviation from the ongoing campaign. Wrath & Glory is also shaping up nicely, alternating every other week. With the available free time, DMing two campaigns is frankly exhausting... but things might go back to "normal" soon enough.

Painting wise, I did publish the last of my pre-lockdown painting articles, and so everything I put out from now on is going to be Khorne-y. Hehe. I managed to finish some squads, even to experiment here and there, mostly with time saving techniques. All in due time.

As for June: the lockdown is easing, but there are still weeks ahead until the first face-to-face gaming event. Online will proceed as above. Same for at-home hobbying. I'll keep it up, if only to hold on to some semblance of sanity. I'll probably switch from Khorne models in the near future (whatever that means, I can't estimate anything under these conditions). I have to do some D&D stuff for whenever we meet again in person, and there's an interesting commission work on the horizon... 

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