
Monday, July 20, 2020

Dark Tides: Into the Underhive

The session started off with the interrogation scene. With both the psychic power Compel and the spinal column of his brother there as good reasons to talk, Ivill Kreet buckled and gave the agents every information they asked for. It wasn't much to go on, but he confessed to running a smuggling ring. The agents thought they identified the killer in one of the hooded clients smuggled at exactly the right times for the murders to happen. Ivill also turned out to be the one to hack the servitors. 
With no further leads, the agents decided on a regroup and wished to descend to talk to Ivill's underhive contacts. They were interrupted by the Adeptus Mechanicus, who came in to clean house. Literally. They also claimed Ivill as servitor material, but the agents negotiated a 24 hour term to return him. Or some other guy. Whatever.

And so everybody got into the algae train, descending into the Piscator gang's territory. The muscled gang members wanted none of the armed party on their turf, so they attacked. The orange square is where they mostly were, before Thrakus activated his heavy flamer.

Having killed their possible informants, the agents looked around, finding only a couple of workers, scared out of their mind. They asked for the location of the gang leadership, which they could not find out; but the workers promised to lead them to the local "black" market[1], where they could fish for more information.

On the way, Thrakus meditated on the state of humanity in the underhive. Upon seeing how far these people had fallen, his conviction in the righteousness of his cause faltered, gaining our first ever Corruption point.

At the market, they found a merchant named Orvis who dealt in illicit luxury items. They found none of the stuff stolen from the murder scenes, and the merchant himself did not see any of them pass through the market.[2] However, all their questions about luxury goods led to a certain underhive cult, who are among Orvis' main customers. That is where the agents decided to head next!

But first, shopping. They were in a pretty bad shape, so they looked for some armor for Warder, as well a medikit. Lacking in Influence, they ended up spending a good amount of Wealth for a set of primitive armor and a medikit, which Warder immediately started using and rolled for complication after complication. I decided not to aggravate their wounds, but to use up the medikit instead. 

Next up: into the underhive wastelands.

[1] It's the underhive... is anything truly illegal here?
[2] That Conversational Cogitator talent is once per scene, but it's used in every scene. Quite useful.

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