
Monday, July 13, 2020

Dungeon of the Mad Made: Live Reunion

The first offline session since the COVID-related business began! Our old DM also took back his spot. Although we were few, and the distractions were many, we were eager to get back into the fight.
Our return to Waterdeep had to be circumspect, with all the ruckus caused previously.[1] Ireth and Szivem had both been present then, but Tari had not, and neither had Zyn[2]. So the druid turned herself into a horse, and I polymorphed Szivem into a cat, to be able to roam the streets of the city undisturbed.

I had a lot of items to sell, but we started quite late due to distractions[3], and I wished to delay us no more. Well, we did make one stop at the Zhentarim to pitch my business idea[4], but my Persuasion was not skilled enough.

Alas, we descended into the dungeon and headed to the one place we did not previously explore. We exited the secret passage shown us by the undead former cleric[5] to find a huge statue. We decided it's time to make fools of ourselves and tried to inspect it, twist it, turn it... and it actually resulted in a Circlet of Blasting, which I pocketed. And then the Bugbears came to investigate the noise.We dispatched them with ease.

I barely had time to make more zombies when the next batch of Bugbears attacked. One healthy Fireball laid most of them on the ground, and we followed the survivors...

... into a great forge manned by two Ettins (represented by the Elemental minis). Spell queue: Fireball, Summon Lesser Demons, Fireball, and we're done. All my zombies were gone, but we got through the evening virtually unscathed.

We split the fat loot[6] and carried on.

In one particular corridor, we met 3 statues of elves, one of which held a golden spear. Well obviously I tried to take it off... But it was a mimic. Also the statue was a mimic.[7]

But the evening was running late, so we wrapped up and decided to carry on from there.

[2] Obviously, as I had been DMing.
[3] Everybody was hungry, both literally and for social interaction. Even the children. Especially the children. And also one literally drugged party member, until I suggested a coffee.
[4] Taking over the failed actors' place in taking tolls on the first level of the dungeon.
[5] He was nowhere to be found.
[6] Well, not particularly fat, but any small amount helps.
[7] DM: You laugh, she laughs, the statue laughs, the spear laughs.

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