
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Painting competitions

If anyone had told me this time last year that I would just be passed 3 separate painting competitions, I would have surely laughed. But here we are...

It started with the June painting competition at the Guild Hall. I was invited to be part of the "3-man expert panel"[1], which was quite the experience. With no time to paint up something of notice, I joined with my Bloodthirster with no real hope of winning, more to just show off and be a part of it all. In short, the three of us evaluated the entries before the community vote.

Next came this online painting competition - fitting for the times we live in.[2] I signed on with my Herald of Khorne

Finally came the event hosted at Checkpoint. This was originally announced before the lockdown - and so I had the time to actually paint something for it. 4th place isn't that bad. 

[1] Selection criteria: winning the advanced category at least once.
[2] See COVID lockdown.

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