
Monday, September 14, 2020

Graveyard Shift: Investigation

The agents decided not to commit high-grade heresy by stealing a holy relic, instead visiting the Jolly Undertaker to meet Diomedes.

The establishment turned out to be less than reputable, with several mutants among the clientele. Diomedes himself had a charming smile, with crooked, overgrown teeth. As looks turned hostile towards the agents, they decided on building up good will by partaking of the local moonshine. Warder failed his test and left towards the vomitorium.[1]

The next step was to approach Diomedes himself. Although the test was successful and the man turned out to be friendly, a complication meant that Tass recognized him: as the one who had, long ago, killed his parents. Logic prevailed[2] and the Skitarius held himself back - for now.

The agents sat down with Diomedes and a bottle of liqueur[3] to discuss business. They groped for information regarding servo-skulls, and the man was quick to offer one with extra-high processing power, although a bit damaged, for a price. He left to bring back the merchandise, and Thrakus could not follow him stealthily enough. The party regrouped in the tavern, and Diomedes delivered on his promise.[4] He also offered to guide the agents through the cemetery grounds, for a price of course, but they decided to conserve their depleted funds. At least the skull was exactly what they were looking for - the twins missing from the Librarium Mortem.[5]

The agents delivered the servo-skull(s) back to the Librarium, at which the archivist was delighted. Then, they pressed her for monetary rewards, at which she was outraged. Her incoherent screeching dragged the battle sister on watch into the conversation.[6] The agents backed off before the situation could escalate, but Palmulata got herself a night of penitence anyway.

The agents could then finally access the records and obtain the location of the Gelfradus family crypt. They turned in for the night on the monastery grounds, awakening fresh and rested - except for Palmulata, who spent the night in prayer and self-flagellation.

Early in the morning, the agents were on the road towards their goal.

But first, they stopped to let Warder psychically compel Kaliya into giving them the key for nothing.

[1] Which I know isn't what it sounds like, but we do speak High Gothic around here.

[2] As it should, given his programming.

[3] Corpse-shine.

[4] 1 more Wealth, down the drain.

[5] Diomedes also matched the description of the thief, but let bygones be bygones.

[6] She was less than amused at imperial agents taking up a holy quest, then demanding money from the Administratum.

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