
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Painting dark skinned Bloodreavers


I assembled 20 of these guys ages ago but lost the drive to paint them. Well they are the last in the line of the "in progress" projects for Khorne, so here we are. Now I couldn't stand 20 near identical models, thus I give you the first give of the bunch.


In black.


Then, I realized what a mistake it was to shorten their pins. I had to, as I took them for a ride in a game of Age of Sigmar. But they no longer stood well on their corks. So I prepared their bases by painting the dark earth. Then I glued them on.

Carry on by painting all the browns. Start with medium and light leather - alternating on the boots and leather straps.

Other details include dark brown wooden weapon hafts and white hair.

White loincloth on the one guy who has it.

Black leather pants and brown fur. The fur is kind of lost on the dark skin, perhaps I should have went with grey instead.

Some have rocks near their feet. I tried to do the grey rocks but I can't drybrush while everything else around is already painted, so instead I did edge highlights then went all over with Contrast Black Templar to darken it down. 

And skulls. Don't forget the skulls.

At this point I did a light spray of Munitorum Varnish. Then on to the shiny details!


Start with the armor, inspired by a Warhammer TV video for Corpsegrinder Cult.

Basecoat Bright Bronze. Next time, I might try to mix with Hammered Copper.

Overall wash with watered down Reikland Fleshshade. Then recess shade watered down Carroburg Crimson. Also go over around half the bigger plates.

Slight recess shade (and around half the previous areas) with watered down Druchii Violet. Of course nothing can be simple, and it left this weird white/pink residue all over.

I covered it with pure Druchii Violet.

Superhighlight Silver.

Paint the the weapons silver.

Other details

Flayed skin banner. Eyes.

Blood for the Blood God!

Literally. First, on the weapons

Then on the lower level of the bases. Blood is gushing from the ground in the cracks!
At which point I said, let's have the skullhead icon on the banner weep blood. why not have the skulls in the ground also weep blood?

Get frustrated with the amount of small details

Seriously, whoever designed these minis was a sadist. Some have these tiny fur cuffs on their bracers or boots. I painted them Khaki, washed Nuln Oil, highlighted Khaki.


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