
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Blades of Khorne vs Kharadron Overlords, 2020.10.07


For the first time since March, Arbra'Gax walks the Mortal Realms again! And it was time to clash with the Kharadron Overlords in... the Duality of Death.

The table

Let's take a moment to admire this beautiful table, with all painted terrain.


Arbra'Gax guided his trusty Flesh hounds to face the Kharadron heavy infantry. The horde of Bloodletters were left in the guidance of the twin Slaughterpriests (unnamed, as of yet, lacking any notable deeds) to hold off the flying contingent. The Bloodthirster held back his minions - the greater the thirst, the greater the carnage.

Kharadron Overlords, turn 1

This left the dwarves with few options but to reposition and take potshots.

A couple of Bloodletters died, but they clawed their way back into reality, netting some distance gained towards the objective.

Blades of Khorne, turn 1

The demonic horde howled and advanced. 

Blades of Khorne, turn 2

By the will of Khorne, they pounced on the opportunity to close with the foe on all fronts.

Flesh Hounds ripped into the heavy infantry, dealing some damage and holding their ground. The Arkanauts proved too agile for Arbra'Gax, and he missed several hits of his giant blade.

The Bloodletters, on the other hand, proved no match for the dwarves set to defend their high ground.

Kharadron Overlords, turn 2

The Flesh Hounds died in a hail of volley fire. The dwarves stood their ground, and Arba'Gax scythed them down eagerly.

The Arkanauts advanced on the lone Bloodletter, gunning it down and taking the objective.

While the flying contingent hitched a ride on the Gunhauler and landed to obliterate the second Flesh Hound squad. One doggy held on, cheered by its master.

Kharadron Overlords, turn 3

The tables had turned, and the dwarves held on to the initiative.

The Arkanauts shot dead one Slaughterpriest.

After annihilating the remaining Flesh Hound, everything else focused on Arbra'Gax. The Bloodthirster went down howling.

Blades of Khorne, turns 3-4

Left all alone, the last Slaughterpriest prayed as he had never before. All 6 remaining Arkanauts died in horrible pain, their blood boiling beneath their flesh. Reality split, and Bloodletters marched unto the battlefield once more. The host was set to defend their altar to the death.

Kharadron Overlords, turn 4

After careful analysis (I don't regret helping my opponent here), the dwarves sent their flyers to take the objective.

Two double-6 charges later...

Blades of Khorne, turn 5

The Bloodletters could not kill the Kharadron leader, and slunk back to their realm in shame.


After a good half a year, I finally managed to get a game of Age of Sigmar in. It felt nice, although we were both rusty, and the 1000 point game dragged on all evening. It was a nail biter as well, with the winner finally decided in battle round 5.

On the Kharadron, I was unpleasantly surprised by the variety of weapons throughout their squads. 5 Thunderers all have different weapons, all rolled separately, sometimes to no effect. They play well in other areas though, as their maneuverability couples well with long-range firepower (for Age of Sigmar, at least).

As for the Blades of Khorne, everything did as it was supposed to... except for the Bloodletters. First time fielding them, and I still can't get over how bad they are. One attack each on 4+, 1" reach, 32mm bases... In short, they do nothing. Unlike in Warhammer 40k, where they charge in and kill whatever infantry unit stands in their way. They might not see the table again, except for summoning. Good thing I have some Bloodcrushers painted to take their spot.

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