
Monday, October 5, 2020

Graveyard Shift: Patient assault

 The pace of this session slowed down, as the agents analyzed a hundred different ways of entering the dark chamber.

First, came extensive scouting[1] as Thrakus stuck his head down the hole he made in the floor. His astartes eyes quickly adapted to the darkness, and he saw a circular chamber with a metal door and some sort of shiny substance on the walls. With some stretching, he managed to reach the substance, and found it to be unlike a goo, more like glass. He hopped down to lick it[2] to no additional effect. He then put his hand on the door handle, at which point the room erupted into action. Half-human, half alien machine beings clawed their way out of the suddenly liquid walls. Thrakus jumped up (being pulled up by his team mates), then unslung the heavy flamer and filled the chamber below. He looked back down into the same serene room with glassy walls, except this time with burning promethium on the ankle-high water.

At this point the agents debated whether it was an illusion, and decided to double down on caution.[3] Warder looked for warp-related phenomena. He found none, but instead was filled with dread about something in the room. A nice healthy slap from the sister of battle got him back to his senses.

At some earlier point, they opened the sarcophagus[4] and discovered it contained an average skeleton. They looked inside for a secret way to descend, but Tass only found miserable memories and the thought of letting Diomedes slip away.[5] With no further use to it, the agents decided to make their landing safer, by pushing first the lid of the sarcophagus down, then the entire sarcophagus itself. This broke apart, creating a small island in the burning water. 

Next came tests on how to activate the guardians of the room, if any. The Rite of Magnometrics came in big, as Tass maneuvered expended bolt shells to hold down the latch of the door, while Thrakus pushed at it with his extended chainsword. The door opened. Tass hovered down to look around. Nothing. The entire party descended. And then the walls came alive with half human monstrosities.

The battle barely lasted more than a single round, but the enemies proved to be quite effective. The mob of constructs blasted the agents with xenotech weaponry, and I activated their Ruin action at every possible time: attacking back after being attacked. Warder went down, with Thrakus and Palmulata coming close. In the end, the agents prevailed and destroyed the abominations. Then they hunkered down in the 1x3 metres of stone corridor to regroup.

[1] Hue hue hue.
[2] Which seemed the best idea at this point.
[3] And I was worried that I need to prepare the next module, in case they finish early.
[4] Warder put his back into it, but to no effect, until Thrakus decided to helpfully put some additional pressure on the psyker's arms. With a cracking joints, the lid slid open.
[5] This Complication system is wild.

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