
Monday, November 2, 2020

Graveyard Shift: Daemons and heresy

The agents started off in the still burning chamber below the mausoleum. After some debate whether to rest there[1], they opened the door into the true crypt. There they found scenes of unimaginable heresy: the walls were carved with reliefs of humans trading with xenos. They looked around with hate and disgust, and could barely ward off the corruption emanating from the room.[2] Thrakus kicked the sarcophagus in frustration, only to reveal a rotten corpse holding the Revelator.

Warder - the one best equipped to fight Corruption - took out the xenos artifact. Everybody was intrigued by its description: a metallic bottle with glowing runes on it, which seem to flow to its hidden side on inspection. The agents tried to decypher the runes, resulting in several more Corruption tests. They gave up, but not before thoroughly searching the body. This got Warder stung by a hidden contraption[3], although to no adverse effect.

Having run out of ideas, the agents consulted their dataslate to remind themselves of their mission, and decided to call in the Inquisition to deal with the Revelator. But first! They started on the road back to their first encounter, to examine whatever loot the raiders left behind. 

They ran into a corpse on the road, holding a primed frag grenade - luckily, Thrakus acted fast and kicked the explosive away. The corpse, slain a couple of hours ago by a las weapon, had a laspistol and a blank dataslate. Tass hacked it, revealing a message similar to theirs before it exploded.[4] The agents ruminated on the meaning of it - a rival warband? the Inquisition? Warder recognized the man from the Varonius flotilla personnel, and in the end they decided on not risking the journey. The party retreated to a crypt offering a good view of the surrounding cemetery fields, and lit the Stalker Flare. 

In about an hour, a ship descended, and the agents met their employer again. They gave her the Revelator - though not without some pressing. The interrogator then ignored them almost completely, as she started immediately with its study. As the ship began take off procedures, the agents tried starting off a report/conversation, but the interrogator dismissed them and activated the artefact with some of her own blood. Queue daemonic invasion.

Thrakus melted enemies with his heavy flamer, and the look on their faces when all the slain Pink Horrors split into two Blue Horrors each was priceless. 

The fight was desperate at first. The daemons attacked the interrogator, almost killing her; they cast Smite and shot flames, spreading wounds around the party. The fortunes turned when the interrogator managed to escape through the corridor opened by the agents, and activated her arco-flagellants.

To speed up the grind, I had the Horrors form into mobs. This is a great tool, in fact. The enemies gain more killing power granted by the mob dice, and are also easier to kill in turn. Alas, I only managed to kill off the arco-flagellants. Some wounds went through though, with Warder losing an ear and Palmulata an arm (the latter due to a critical hit).

When the outcome became clear, I ended the session (we were already running late) and left the ending for the next time.

[1] They didn't take the hint when I reminded them that they just did a Regroup. I stepped in to hurry up the pace.
[2] Palmulata's passive ability came in big.
[3] I love Complications.
[4] See [3].

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