
Monday, November 30, 2020

Wrath and Glory: Indecision

The agents touched down in their rickety Aquila lander[1] and were met by the local enforcer, an older woman called Rashida. She brought them up to speed on the local state of affairs[2] and they witnessed the evening's feeding time - the refugees crowding outside the wall, and the villagers throwing them some scraps. They quickly identified two gangs that stood out: the Water Bringers (who are said to be harboring the Saint) and the Deluge (who Rashida knows to be the most violent gangers in the shanty town). I expected the agents to jump into the action, but they had other ideas.

They retreated from their vantage point atop the wall and went to inspect the local facilities instead. They found the village's desalination station, which Tass inspected in great detail. He found no room for improvement, and the agents went to sleep in a small hut offered by Rashida.

In the night, Tass and Thrakus decided to play a practical joke by placing Warden in Palmulata's bed. The psyker awoke first and started thrashing around, awakening the battle sister who went into combat mode and grabbed him into a choke hold. Their comrades ended the situation before it could get escalate, and I awarded a wrath point for "role playing and entertaining the GM".

In the morning, Rashida came over with a bag of food and water as requested for bargaining chips, and the agents decided to... wait until the evening. When feeding time came around, they sneaked out the back door, and... waited in discussion until the crowd dispersed. Then they appointed Warder as the most "human looking" of the group to go and talk to the local gangs. The psyker joined a small campfire first, where a former noble's bodyguard had whipped a small gang together. He offered to take Warder to the Water Bringers first thing in the morning, but that wasn't good enough, and the man straight up refused to go along in the night.[3] The next campfire belonged to a preacher and his small band, but he gently pushed Warder back - too soon to be let into the inner circle.

Tass tried his own methods, investigating the locals from afar, moving at the edges of the light shed by the fires. He managed to tail some groups of Water Bringers, some who distributed alms, others who charged ruinous prices. In the end, he located the gang's headquarters.

The agents sent Warder in again to talk, and he obtained modest success. He "bought" water for food, and started on his journey to join the Water Bringers: by making himself appear to be a former noble, the gangers gave him a small mission at first, to convince a small rival gang to pay up.

The players again debated this course of action and decided to take a more direct approach instead.[4] Palmulata revealed herself to the crowd, and led a religious procession to the shrine. 

There the agents were met by some sort of gang leader, who conceded their point and offered a deal of cooperation: they would eliminate a rival gang (the Deluge), and in return they would get to see the Saint. Thrakus decided to step in and intimidate the man (to the point where he collapsed in a sobbing heap and pissed himself), but to no real result, as the Saint herself was not at the shrine at that point. The agents were let in to investigate the old and crumbled, but somewhat restored building. They tried to backtrack, gave food to the gang members and said they don't mean any harm.


I wonder which point came across better.

[1] Yes, we had to go over again through the intro scene and view.
[2] I reiterated how crappy everything was.
[3] And also spat on Warder, because complication.
[4] To be honest, in the time it took for them to debate this, they would have solved the mission.

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