
Monday, January 25, 2021

M.A.G.U.S. - Dragon lair, part 2

We gathered online for the season finale, before another foreseeable long pause. Let's go slay that dragon!

But first, loot whatever comes off the lizards: giant pieces of armor and weapons, feathered hats and all. I gave out some healing potions, too.

Then, we sent the stealthy guys ahead again.

This time it went badly, as they separated. Athosian screamed, and we had no idea what is going on. Cue giant worm. The GM even prepared this assembly for us:

As we engaged the worm, the view was enriched by other tabletop paraphernalia, for just a taste of that old feeling.

Athosian was nowhere to be seen, and Shamil was riding the worm, stabbing at it from above. Biznard, Cahir and Jimmy laid it in, hacking and slashing. Biznard was soon swallowed, and met Athosian inside. They tried to damage the worm from the inside, but not much luck. In the meantime, the worm tried to swallow Jimmy, and when he proved to be too large, the worm chopped off his torso :( RIP.

The GM described the thick hide and ineffective sword blows in detail, so I knew that fire magic and light poisoned weapons were of no use. Inspection of the creature in the astral plane revealed it to be alien in nature, so my charm spell failed as well - just as I expected. I closed in for a more hands-on approach - a life leeching prayer that took me very close to black magic. This did the trick, and the worm died in agony. It also spit out Athosian and Biznard. They were bruised, battered and drenched in stomach acid, but alive.

We took a lot of damage, and not just in health. A lot of equipment was ruined by the acid, including Athosian's longbow string and arrows. Biznard's warhammer was stuck inside, and so the guys laid in with blades to look it up. That is, until the dwarves started talking behind their back about thick headed humans and their inability to ask for help - and axes. Shamil heard it, and the dwarves axes made quick work of the fallen beast.

At this point, the way to the dragon was clear. The dwarven cleric went about his work, and we exited the caverns in a hurry. The rest of the dwarves joined us some time later, as the mountain crashed in, but the cleric himself never got out. RIP :(

Back to the village, so we can wrap up this adventure.

The dwarves held true and fixed up our ship in about a day. The sailors and villagers finished the woodwork and sails while we did the dirty work, so we were set to sail the day after. The dwarves even asked to join us - we welcomed them aboard.

The villagers prepared a feast for the evening, to honor their heroes. Maybe Joe brought out the hidden stash of booze, and the party went late into the evening.

The mayor promised me the full conversion of his people to the worship of Noir, and I was rewarded by my goddess.[1]

We visited the lizardman settlement from a bird's eye view, and saw that they were in motion, but nothing really changed. We swiftly abandoned the idea of rescuing the enslaved people. Our quest with the baron came first.

We set sail as planned, and the GM closed his adventure booklet. It was done.

We ended the session by talking about this long running adventure. We found out interesting tidbits about the island, and some encounters we missed[2], luckily or unluckily. We offered feedback and laid out plans for the future. Then we said our goodbyes. See you next time!

[1] Poor Cahir.
[2] There were tree-men, and trolls, and sentient necrotic cysts.

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