
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Profit

We rested in the cavern of the witches. As light activity, I had the zombies tear off some limbs and I wrote on the wall, with whatever bodily fluids coming out, "Zyn and the legends were here".[1] Then we went off, encountering more geysers.

The next room looked like the witches' workshop, with a giant stone cauldron in the middle. I had a zombie look around in the murky water, but found nothing. We decided to up-end the cauldron, and the water gushing out slammed a skeleton into a wall. Inside, we found some rusty keys. Neat. Also a magical sign appeared above Solid, and he is now unable to claim advantage on any checks for 24h. Not so neat.

I remembered that I have Detect Magic, so I cast it, and found the water to be magical. I collected 4 vials, just in case.

Next up, a small dungeon, where the witches kept a goblin and a human boy. We let the goblin go and took the boy, Del, with us. But keeping him always a room back, due to memories of Mouse.

Finally, the treasure room of the witches looked quite nice. Broken boats, masts and sails were arranged as by a 3D artist to look like a witch. The hair of the construct was made up of a crow nest, where Ireth realized, shiny things are often kept. I climbed up, and recovered a large stash of money, as well as some valuables and worthless items. We bagged everything and carried on.

We backtracked into what looked like a trophy room, the walls covered in bones. I took an intact troglodyte skull as a memento.

A larger cavern housed a number of medium creature sized cocoons. We approached quietly to inspect them, and were attacked by two driders. One shot a bow, the other cast spells. Well, tried to - I used my remaining Counterspell slots. The whole battle was pretty lame. I was out of slots and the driders resisted all my cantrips. The skeletons shot, scoring about 1 hit per turn, but they were also targeted and died. Tari shot, doing 90% of the work. Ireth tried to reach up, transformed into an Ankylosaurus, doing some impressive acrobatics. In the end, the driders died and the cocoons revealed to hide nothing but medium sized creature statues. "Statues". Sure. The final room of this passage opened up to the river, with but a single "statue" standing there, and nothing else.

We retreated to the surface, taking Del home and enjoying a hearty meal provided by the farmer's wife. I rolled a natural 20 for Performance while doing magic tricks, impressing the farmers and further building our brand.

After a well earned long rest and trip to the merchants to unload the trash, we marched back into the dungeon, taking a different route. Enough of the river for now.

First up, an abandoned ghost town. We searched the houses, finding 1 dagger. 

But then we burst into the nest of 2 Chimaeras[2]

We took a fire breath to the face and all the skeletons fell over, but I remembered to prepare some 4th level spells, and Banished one of the creatures. In the end, we took heavy damage, but killed them without mercy. They guarded another large stash of money, which he happily took, before sitting down to rest.

DM's impression of the session
[1] In case I didn't explain this before, we agreed on a name for our adventuring company - "X and the legends", where each party member would say his own name, and the NPCs would recognize it nonetheless. I am abusing it ever since, building a brand name for our party.
[2] To quote the DM: "This is nice. Roll for initiative."

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