
Sunday, April 25, 2021

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Taxi!

Having defeated the drow the last time, we took a short rest (mostly for me to replenish my health) and fast tracked the exploration of the rest of the underground city.[1] Then we assumed marching formation, and I sent my invisible owl ahead to scout.

We inched our way ahead through the tunnels, until finally running into a door. It opened without issues into a small corridor, where a huge boulder obscured a goblin, apart from its legs, That is, it fell from the ceiling and crushed the creature. Selene inspected it for life signs[2] and we tried to open the door at the end of the corridor through force, but could not even budge it.

We backtracked through the tunnels, thinking of getting behind the door. We got out into a cavern, where we met a curious thing - a skeleton in a boat. The only other feature of note was an identical set of doors, corridor and boulder - though no goblin, this time. I got smart and decided to inspect the door for magic, revealing that it can be opened only by a dwarf or a Knock spell. Illusory disguises did not work, so I suggested we come back tomorrow, and I'll prepare Knock. Then we got into the boat, and commanded the skeleton to take us downstream, which he obeyed.

The next opening held 3 ghosts, who attacked us on sight. Now this would have been bad enough, with some adventurers failing to fear checks, but the ghosts decided to possess us instead of damaging us. I became one with Fishbone Jim, while Tari got someone named Lidia inside her mind. They wanted us to go to the treasure filled cavern. Tari convinced her ghost that the treasure is already taken, at which the ghost made her spill the gold into the water, then exited her and disappeared. I tried to resist, but decided to give up and threw some gold in as well. In the meantime, Selene, Solid and the skeletons killed the third ghost. Mad at losing 30 gold each, I decided to dock, cast ritual of Water Breathing, then wade into the water, recovering 20 gold in total. Meh. Also, the skeleton asked for payment, so we each gave him 1 copper. Of course Selene paid him 1 gold. Sure.

We continued downstream, running into a dark elf ambush.

We each battled our attackers as well as we could. 

Solid threw javelins, then waded into the river.

I cast Darkness on the bank with more enemies. Selene cast Fireball into the darkness.

In the end we destroyed our attackers. One ran away, but I flew after on my Broom of Flying, and Banished him for 1 minute. This gave ample time for us to surround his place of imminent return, and spring an ambush of our own.

For our troubles, we found 1 intact halfling skeleton. Although Selene decided to burn the corpses, providing me with another 2 intact skeletons. That's a useful trick for the future! 

[1] The DM informed us that there is nothing else of worth there.
[2] D'uh.

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