
Monday, May 31, 2021

D&D 5E one shot collection - Danger at Blire Manor, part 4

The session started off where right as the party prepared to meet their new enemies. Well, prepare is perhaps too much said. Bernie prepared a shot and Ulfgar equipped his shield, while the other milled around.

In short order, a bandit opened the door, and died immediately due to an arrow to his left eye. The other enemies opened fire as well, with poor Dace taking the brunt of it. Then combat started in earnest. Kind-of.

Groot circled around the house, back-flipping through a different window and getting behind the bandits, who kept up their firing. The one-armed guy gathered all his strength to strike back at Dace, but died soon to the minotaur's attack. Bernie kept up his deadly hide-and-seek. As the two thugs went down, the elf woman accompanying the bandits pointed at Dace, screaming: "Witch hunter!" and turned invisible, running away. The bandit leader turned tail and ran as well. As the manor quieted down, the party debated on how to continue.

Their first instinct was to hunt down the fugitives, but as neither of them showed up, the adventurers decided on exploring the manor. Dace broke down a locked door, uncovering a way down into the basement. The party took a short rest before continuing, with a coin toss deciding that they would first continue upwards.

On the ground floor, they found bandit loot, giants rats hidden in a storage room, as well as valuables in hidden places.

On the first floor, they found a mouldy bath, an abandoned chapel and a refectory. Bernie also ran into a black cat, which he kicked, and it hissed back.

On the second floor, they found the master bedroom (with a hidden trapdoor leading up into the former trophy room). They also met the cat again - Wizzik tried to calm it, only getting claws to the face in return. Here, they also met Xozu, a gnome squatter who had settled in a secret room some years back, and went into hiding when the bandits set up shop in the manor. The party befriended the gnome, who in return gave them the will they were looking for. He was using it as pillow stuffing. But he got a wineskin full of beer in return. The best trade deal in the history of trade deals.

In a recently-lived-in bedroom, Dace found a ladder leading up, and he climbed to the topmost floor's open terrace. Bernie decided to open a storage room, but upon entering, he was attacked by a swarm of bats. Wizzik shot at them, doing -1 damage.[1]

We ended there in good spirits.

[1] Not technically possible, but we had a good laugh.

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