
Sunday, May 2, 2021

D&D 5E one shot collection - Escape from Blire Manor

Groot, Ulfgar and Wizzik awakened some time later in a large room. They were unarmed, and their hands tied behind their back. The room also had a tied up minotaur[1] and a bandit whittling a piece of wood. Wizzik tried talking up, and his voice triggered the bandit into handing out a couple of slaps. Dace immediately exploited the guard's turned back and charged, pinning him to the wall.

Wizzik tried to disarm the guard, but instead fondled him. Groot tried to bite the guard, but instead bit Wizzik. The guard screamed, and Dace grabbed him by the neck. He continued to choke the guard for a couple of rounds. In the meantime, Ulfgar ripped apart his bonds and punched Wizzik's ropes using Divine Smite[2]. Wizzik was then free to cast Minor Illusion, imitating the guard's voice and stating that everything was alright. The bandits in the adjacent room were fooled thoroughly[3], and the adventurers were free to kill and loot the bandit for money and weapons.

Done with that, they escaped through the window, with only Wizzik falling face-first and knocking himself out. Dace carried him, stepping into a nest of poisonous snakes about halfway to the fence.

The snakes bit Dace into unconsciousness, but Ulfgar laid into them with the looted scimitar, while Groot flew into a frenzied rage and ripped them apart with a dagger. The two dragger their unconscious fellows to the wall, then grabbed Wizzik between them and ran out through the back door.

Groot stood guard on a tree, while Ulfgar rested. Dace recovered first and climbed the wall out, and then the trio carried Wizzik deeper into the forest.

They made a fireless camp. It was during the third watch that Groot heard the howling of wolves close by. Ulfgar was the only one not managing to climb a tree, so he was singled out by the wolves. Wizzik distracted one with an illusory rabbit, but soon both were upon them. Dace jumped down to charge in, Groot threw his knife and Wizzik casted Sacred flame, and soon the wolves were put down.

The final highlight of the evening was the approach to the manor. Groot crawled in to the ruined stables and stole a sack. Wizzik then stripped his armor, and crawled in through the back door, locating the nest of poisonous snakes which attacked Ulfgar the first time around. Using his affinity with small animals, the gnome convinced the snakes to slither into the sack, to be taken to a place with abundant food (mice) and happiness (sun-warmed rocks).

Wizzik  added "sack of poisonous snakes" to his inventory, and we ended the session there.

[1] Dace Ironhide, to replace Niko Newtan. RIP.
[2] Best karate chop ever.
[3] 1!

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