
Monday, May 24, 2021

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Passport please

As the dust settled over the stone cubes and statues, we gathered ourselves (and my undead) and start towards adventure. The zombie beholder and its fungi companions proved only a minor annoyance, killing my precious owl familiar. Unfortunately, the goblins who were previously there, disappeared.

Next up, an Otyugh was sitting on a large pile of corpses - including the goblinoids we had slain the previous day. We killed it, and searched through the room, finding nothing.

I resummoned the owl and sent it forwards once more. It ran into a goblin settlement with an organized guard station. We approached cautiously, sending Selene forwards, who convinced them that we were friendly in nature - tourists, if you like - and we had nothing to do with the death of their friends. As an extra precaution, I disguised myself into a wood elf. They might have been at war with the drow, you never know.

They led us through the streets to an office of sorts, where goblins sitting behind desks took our description, name, etc to issue our passports. Unfortunately, my disguise failed me, and the goblin in charge made me dispel it. What do you know, upon seeing a dark elf, they pulled their weapons. I managed to disarm the situation by claiming that I killed the other dark elves on this level, even though Selene tried to help and only made it worse.

In any case, we were taken to see the chieftain, some guy named Azok, who thinks himself a big deal. Tari and Ireth barely had to pay 1 gold each for their passport, in return for information on the dark elves. Seeing me, Azok demanded to know why I was still alive.[1] I managed to calm him down by stating again that I had killed his dark elf enemies, backed up by specific info on their layout, command structure and activities. Selene and I were then allowed to leave, for a mere 3 gold each as a passport tax. Azok promised to send out his scouting parties and verify our claims.

In the meantime, Tari and Ireth were rummaging through their backpacks, stalling to see if anything bad happens. Thanks girls!

We then walked a bit around the settlement, accompanied by two guards. They led us to a tavern of sorts, but the food sucked. We saw a goblin punished to hold a banner aloft day and night, with no food or water. We sweet talked him, and he told us to go see someone who might help. This led us to Preeta Kreepa[2], a mage who lives alone, shunned but tolerated. She gave us some sweet but at this point useless info about Halaster's apprentices.

[1] Grumble grumble. I am disguised all the time I am above ground, and I was quite happy to descend into a dungeon and be able to wear my true face among friends. On this level though, anyone seeing me attacks me on sight. The real enemy here is racism.
[2] Pretty creepy? Given that she had a distorted face, eyes on stalks, mutations all over. 

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