
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Painting a crocodile


A Reaper Giant Crocodile... for no reason at all, really.


This picture was my inspiration. As with my raptors, I forgot to save the origin of the picture... so, all rights to respective owner.


Prime Wraithbone.

Coat overall diluted Skeleton Horde. Then an undiluted Layer on the upper half of the mini.

Snakebite Leather on the back spines. Then diluted Wyldwood for the upper regions.

Complete the effect with Wyldwood on the darkest regions - center of the head, legs, some of the back spines.

Soft drybrush Wraithbone to pop out the details. This will also highlight the teeth and claws. Then fill in the final details.

Volupus Pink inside the mouth. Nazdreg Yellow eyes. Black Templar pupils.


Go to the swamp where you belong. 


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