
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Khorne Daemons vs Orks, 2021.06.26


The Orks set up to fight the Bloodthirster brothers in a 1000 point Eternal War - Incursion - Center Ground mission.

Khorne, turn 1

The Bloodthirsters left their ruins to taunt the orks from a bit further up the field, safely behind a screen of Flesh Hounds. Any warrior knows that he needs to strike first to inflict maximum damage!

Orks, turn 1

The Orks advanced as well, taking the field.

The combined might of the Grot Tanks and the Mek Gun tried to bring down the Skullcannon, but such horrors Bound in Brass and Bone care little for such paltry firepower.

(The Ork war machines inflicted 5 wounds, and  took 2 in return.)

Khorne, turn 2

Bloodletters clawed their way out of the warp, and pounced on the horde of unsuspecting Boyz! The Skullcannon had already engaged them to disable their Overwatch. The Bloodthirsters felt confident to go further up the field, but the mighty wall of Gretchin made them shake in their boots (hooves?) and they failed their charges to engage the Warboss.

WIP to the Skullcannon, as it took down the Mek Gun in a single volley of burning skulls.

The Flesh Hounds, feeling the Scent of Blood, waded through the line of Orks, engaging both squads as well as the race car, allowing the Furies to move up the field.

The Orks took grievous casualties, but they held their ground - as if they were Insanely Brave.

Orks, turn 2

At this point, the remaining Orks did slink away... but the Green Tide made its appearance in the Daemons' back lines!

The large mob of Boyz enthusiastically shot their shootas and rokkits, but failed to make their charge into the backline Bloodletters. At least the Warboss took out the Furies.

Turn 3

The store was quickly approaching closing time, so we sped through turn 3. The Bloodletters up the field moved to engage the Grot Tanks, while the Bloodthirsters eliminated the Weirdboy, Warboss and a remaining squad of Boyz. The backfield Bloodletters ran away advanced laterally to better hold the objective.

The large mob made a play to charge the Bloodletters, but failed again. We math'ed out the score to come, and got to the conclusion that, although the game had been close up to that point, my control of the center field and soon to come control of the Orks' backfield would quickly run away with points, with only the one huge mob capable of actually doing anything - that would not be enough.

Khorne Daemons victory! 

Thoughts on scoring:

  • We used GT2021 secondaries for this game. They were somewhat better than the core book ones, but I still feel I need to get better at picking them. For the first turn I scored nothing, and barely anything on the second - although the Orks fared likewise.
  • Retrieve Octarius Data is pretty boss if you have enough fast moving infantry.
  • Mission secondaries suck on such small maps. 
Thoughts on the game:

  • It was so nice not to play marines! The armies felt much closer in power level, especially with both more focused on melee. We made some plays, made and failed charges, and had a lot of fun. I could also use some stratagems instead of just rerolling saves on my Bloodthirsters when getting shot to crap from across the table.
  • Going first or second screwed me over for the second game now. I need to learn to adapt better.
  • I used terrain better for my benefit.
  • Table still felt very crowded, disabling me dropping the Bloodletters anywhere else other than my own zone. Good thing about the 3d6" charge. 
  • While the exalted traits were huge last game, they never came up this time. Yay randomness?

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