
Monday, January 2, 2023

Painting more old-school Plague Marines (bodies)


I had originally converted 3 more dudes to complete my original 7-man squad. They were supposed to run in my Chaos Marine army, jumping out of a Rhino with 6 plasma guns total. Well, that belongs in the past as a now invalid loadout. The models languished behind their painted brothers in the display case for, I kid you not, three years. That was quite enough.


I followed the original painting steps, except I saved some time by spray priming them Death Guard Green.

I washed and highlighted them with Dead Flesh glaze, at which point I realized that they are much darker than the original squad. See how bright the Dead Flesh highlight is. TBH they just look like pooped upon by birds.

So I took out my extra soft drybrush and did a couple of rounds of Dead Flesh. Chalkier than the original squad but much better than the first attempt.

Next up, I painted the rusted armor trim, fleshy bits, plague knives, horn, bronze horn top, black hoses and cables, and Blood for the Blood God! eye lenses.

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