
Monday, January 9, 2023

Painting up an old metal Cypher

I picked this model up on eBay back when Fallen had rules and their own specialist detachment. Nothing came of it then, but I still decided to paint him up to assist my Word Bearers.


I stripped the paint, leaving this guy in pieces. I pinned both arms and the sword, for safety. Then I pinned him to a 25mm base, glued that to a 32mm base, glued on a terrain piece, then filled it out with putty.

Slapchop method

First time using the Slapchop method on a space marine. I applied the drybrushes in a heavier manner, and I think this gives better results.

I applied the Contrast paints: Basilicanum Grey on the black power armor, Flesh Tearers Red inside the cloak, Blood Angels Red on the trim, Apothecary White on the white decorative elements, Snakebite Leather on the pouches..

I tried diluted Seraphim Sepia and diluted Skeleton Horde on the robes. There's no way this will ever pass as white, but there's also no way I can get a brush in to paint the robe in between his power pack, shoulder pad and sword.


Now for some regular painting:


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