
Monday, January 2, 2023

Re-painting Flesh Hounds


I got these Flesh Hounds as part of the payment for painting the Triumph of Saint Katherine. They had a basic paint job on but beautiful basing - unfortunately I forgot to take pictures. Even more unfortunately, I had to rip them off their bases, as the official base size changed. Sigh. That pretty much killed my mood for doing anything with them, until now.

Original state (without base)


Start with the red skin. Deepen the shadows with a bath of Carroburg Crimson.

Overbrush the scales with Bloody Red.

Highlight the front of some scales, as well as small selective edge highlights using Hot Orange.

With the skin done, some standard solutions apply: silver, gold and bone. The eyes get Nuln Oil, then Escorpena Green highlights.


Finish them off with my standard Khorne lava base.


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