
Monday, January 17, 2022

Review: Vault of Dragons

 We did not have enough players to go for a D&D session, so we broke out this bad boy

Any D&D player will immediately be thrilled to play with classic factions such as the Xanathar and the Zhentarim. Other than that, worker placement as usual (it reminded me of Lords of Waterdeep) with a lot of little rules and corner cases.

As I found out, fighting the other factions (players) is actually counter-productive, as you just "waste" resources and delay the amassing of magic items/treasures. However, I was having way too much fun taking territories[1] and only realized later on that I was getting left behind. This also made the game last a lot more, as we played until after midnight - not something we do with D&D. The host assured me that, if everybody plays nice and cooperatively, it runs in a shorter time frame.

So unfortunately the game took way too long for a second session, where I could have applied my newly experience. As such: glory to the Xanathar!

[1] "Your turn." "Well, I think Thort's Findings is actually Zhentarim territory!" *collective groan*

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