
Monday, March 14, 2022

Chaos Daemons vs Necrons, 09.03.2022


The first 2000 points game of 9th edition! I had no idea what I was doing, so I built on the Khorne lists that I played in previous 1000-1500 points games. And of course there's Big B himself, shoring up the center.

Battle round 1

The Necrons took first turn and advanced up the board. I charged a group of far reaching Scarabs and killed them, securing this flank until the end of the game.

Battle round 2

The Necrons attacked in full swing, surprising me with a couple of things.

First of all, the Cryptek landed 20 Warriors in the middle with his Veil of darkness. Sadly, they remained there, controlling the middle of the board as well as the objective hidden there for the rest of the game.

Second, the Necrons made several very long charges on the right, taking both the Void Dragon and the Wraiths into combat. Luckily, my Bloodthirster survived the C'than, but the Wraiths killed my Daemon Prince. No chance to use Skullreaver.

Time to answer the Necrons in kind! I had both my Bloodletters bombs land and charge in center and right. Everything else crashed in as well.

I summoned 5 Furies for Retrieve Nachmund Data and Engage on All Fronts purposes from the Fluxmaster.

As usual, the Bloodletters disappointed me. They killed about 7 Warriors in the middle, died to a counterattack on the right, and failed to score a single wound on the Void Dragon. They were supposed to tie it down allowing the Bloodthirster to escape...

Battle round 3

However, the Wraiths fell back and charged back in, finishing my Warlord Bloodthirster. The Scarabs and literally everything else charged in as well, destroying my right flank. In the center, the Warriors fell back and shot down my middle squad. The Lychguard then charged in, killing even more. At least I could intervene into the Ghost ark, destroying it. The explosion killed a lot in the center, but the Necrons remained dominant.

The Skullcannon did his singular contribution to the game, by shooting down the Void dragon. Be'lakor ground on, killing more Lychguard. The surviving Bloodthirster went on a rampage, killing the backfield Warriors and enabling the Screamers to take the objective.

Battle rounds 4-5

The Necrons were running out of steam, but still had plenty to take my backfield objective, kill Be'lakor by turn 5, and take back their backfield objective.

I killed their characters and held their backfield, scoring some last-minute points.


Behold, our glorious scoring sheet.

Playing the Nachmund missions was... something new. I nearly maxed primary, but always with the objective holding, never with the bonus for holding the middle, which the Necrons in turn always accomplished. In hindsight, I should have put the Nurglings in the middle, to hold back the tide.

For secondaries, I scored consistently on Engage on All Fronts. Furies and Screamers aren't good for anything else. I managed 3 Nachmund retrieves, too bad that I threw away the first unit of Furies. I scored 4 times Interrogate. Now without the line of sight constraint, the secondary is actually usable.

The Necrons also scored well on their objectives, which was Retrieve Nachmund Data (also 3x), reverse Engage on All Fronts (keeping me out of table quarters, which gained steam as the game progressed), and Assasinate (10 points - I couldn't keep Be'lakor alive, he died in the last round).

This results in a final score of 73-65 to the Necrons. However, I had a painted army and the Necrons did not, resulting in me technically winning 75-73!


I severely lack experience playing 9th edition, especially at 2000 points.

Daemons need a codex, but what else is new.

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