
Monday, March 7, 2022

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Return to the surface

Just as we were minding our own business mining mithrill, we got a surprise visit from Sylvia[1]. She led us to a portal residing on the current 6th level of the dungeon, that would take us back to level 2 (and thus circumnavigate the cave-in) in return for hitching a ride. I sacrificed a dagger to the portal[2], and off we were to sell our hard earned loot. We went through immediately, sold all our trash and slept in for the night. I passed through first and got some sort of negative effect, leaving me to feel unlucky. Oh well.

The next day, we were back in the dungeon, starting off from the portal room. We admired a beautiful carved fresco of dwarves hurling gemstones into the mouth of a xorn[3]. Solid proposed to remove the fresco and started hacking at it, at which point we discovered that there were real gems embedded in the wall! Obviously, we got out as much as we could.

Next up, we ran into a xorn who got up mumbling "Feed me!". No adventurer worth his salt would ever throw away money, so I answered with "Your mum will feed you". It attacked, and we killed it. There was a pit with stones thrown in[4] but nothing valuable.

Solid then opened a pair of rusted doors like they weren't even there. Two statues stood in front of another set of doors, so I called shenanigans and had the skeleton shoot at them. They animated and attacked, so we killed them.

Behind the doors there were only some statues of dwarven gods and a brass cylinder, part of a musical instrument. Meh.

Finally, we asked for a short encounter to finish off the evening, so went and killed an umber hulk. A fireball killed my two zombies. Sigh.

[1] The wererat I un-cursed some time ago
[2] A metal object was required
[3] Morons
[4] A xorn latrine?

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