
Monday, March 28, 2022

Legion of the First Prince vs Kharadron Overlords, 24.03.2022


The one tournament participant I was not able to face - the Kharadron Overlords - are here to rumble in  2000 points of Feral Foray!

Battle round 1

I was given priority. I could have zipped Be'lakor forward but there's no reason to sacrifice the big guy for an extra point. I did Ferocious Advance as usual. We also learned that you do not get control of all objectives in your zone, if you don't have any units on them.

The skyships advanced on their objectives to gain control of them, then blasted both units of Daemonettes off the board.

Virulax, the Great Unclean One was also severely hurt. I really hoped to gain the initiative...

6-4 for the Legion at the end of round 1.

Battle round 2

Alas, the Kharadron won priority and shot poor Virulax to death. :( I took revenge by summoning Bloodletters who charged in and ate the Unleash Hell. Died to a man. Good job.

Then Be'lakor and Arbra'Gax the Bloodthirster charged in to clear out the infantry and take over the objective. Which I did, by the barest margins.

12-11 for the Legion at the end of round 2.

Battle round 3

The Kharadron again won priority, and assaulted my other backfield objective. The Frigate stayed put, as commanded by The Dark Master.

I took over the center Kharadron objective, although Be'lakor failed to kill 9 Arkanaut company with All out attack. At least the Bloodthirster came in like a wrecking ball and gored the Endrinmaster to death. Objective supremacy is mine!

Battle round 4

I won priority and took it, cementing my control of all 3 remaining objectives. The Bloodthirster charged and killed the Gunhauler.

The Kharadron converged on my center objective, but a sneaky Redeploy brought the Bloodthirster into range as well. Although he died, the skyships lacked the firepower to destroy both him and the Horrors.

I then won priority for round 5 and the Kharadron conceded victory.


What an emotional rollercoaster! Some rolls were great, while I also failed 2 out of 4 summoning rolls and Be'lakor absolutely whiffed against the Arkanaut. On the other hand, the Frigate stayed right where it needed to during the crucial movement phase, probably winning me the game. Same on the Kharadron side, with both lucky and unlucky rolls resulting in multiple game-changing events. It could have gone either way at any point, which always makes for excellent games, for the both of us. Neither player felt at any point, up to the final roll-off, that the deal is sealed. Hats off to the steampunk dwarves!

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