
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Legion of the First Prince vs Lumineth Realmlords, 05.03.2022


The second game of the tournament had me facing my dreaded and hated foe, the Lumineth Realmlords in Power in Numbers. 

Battle round 1

The Lumineth ceded priority, so I cautiously advanced doing Ferocious Advance as well. I put down a squad of Plaguebearers as a vanguard.

This is the most colorful cheese I've seen in my life! With a single volley, the Realmlords destroyed my Bloodthirster.

Battle round 2

I dislike the option of being slowly obliterated by volleys of mortal wounds, so I crashed into the Lumineth lines. I called Broken ranks on the front squad of Wardens but they survived with all the buffs. Note to self: objectives on the line are not wholly in my zone. I could have called Aggressive expansion.

... which is totally what the Lumineth did, and also killed my Great Unclean one in their next volley. Crap.

Battle round 3

Fortunately I won priority. Otherwise, Be'lakor would have died and the game would have been over. I had him crash into Teclis and destroy him - getting some swag points and cheers from the rest of the players.

I had some more plays up my sleeve, with summoned Bloodletters failing the 9" charge.

The Lumineth charged in the middle, trying to take out Be'lakor, but failing.

We were at 13-13 points at the end of battle round 3.

Battle round 4

I had priority, charged in and raided the top left objective. This confused the opposing player, but whatever. Be'lakor retreated, but the Lumineth advanced, charged and killed him. Adding insult to injury, he was killed by a single Warden, survivor of the original front line group. At this point we tallied points and realized that we played the scenario totally wrong. We were scoring points for holding, when in fact you could only score by raiding.

We did some quick math, and decided on a draw.

Greatest achievement of my life.

On the other hand, I am not proud of the poor sportsmanship I showed during this game. I just couldn't let go of my intense dislike of the Lumineth Realmlords.

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