
Sunday, May 1, 2022

April review and May goals

Time flies when you're having fun, and April was... pretty good, actually. Less on the gaming side, with all the holidays, but I still got in two games of Warhammer, some D&D as usual, and last but not least, an unexpected comeback... the first game of MAGUS in more than a year. I count all that as a win.

Hobby wise, I made good progress. I painted both of my tanks and all 3 assassins. Now that the Chaos Space Marines codex has been teased, I started preparing my forces... beginning with all the old marines on 25mm bases. Rebasing is almost complete, and I dipped my toes into painting new models as well.

For May, I expect to get a few more games in... let's see if we can get the MAGUS sessions rolling again. I will continue painting my Chaos Marines, with my immediate goal being to finish the Shadowspear models. And I also got some commission models... wait till you see the dragon!

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