
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Converting Ogors into Bullgryns


After the Ogryns, I converted the remaining 3 Ogors into Bullgryns. At least these are useful on the battlefield.

Magnetized shield hand 

Pick an Ironfist bit (I chose this one as it seemed easiest to work with) and chop off the pointy bits.

Scrape it clean. I made a guide hole with the knife right where the fist is, then went in with a 3mm drill.

Assemble the body, feet, head and right arm. Too bad there isn't any variety in right hand mauls. Glue on the chopped ironfist bit to a left arm. Pick an arm that is somewhat pointing up.

Glue a 3mm magnet into the left arm. Glue on the arm.

At this point I've already done the nipple removal, so the armor fits better.

Improvised armor

I actually have Chimera/Russ threads, but even with 1-2 long pieces, I couldn't make the bend good enough. So I recast it with green stuff and blue stuff, leaving the green stuff so thin that even after 24 hours it can be bent. Superglue it on. 

Chip off the ends at the belly.

This will produce a somewhat 'flat' surface for the plasticard armor plate to stick on, and mask that hole.

Same in the back.

Repeat with model no. 2.

The flat plate looks dull, and I decided to stick some doodads on it.

The right one is made up of Imperial Guardsmen's drinking canteens - nicely decorated with winged skulls. The left one came out of the bits box.

The Chimera and Leman Russ kits have a lot of these handles which I did not use as the models were already crowded. Perfect here.

For the Bone'ead (the guy with the cranial implant, for which there is a convenient head in the Ogor kit), I couldn't make the threads fit due to the skulls. So I instead came up with gluing threads across the stomach hole, and then gluing 3mm chains as if holding together the threads.

Ironically, this stop-gap solution is the best looking one.

Slabshields (+2 armor)

Cut out pieces of 2x4cm plasticard. I found plasticard really hard to work with if precise measurements are needed. In the end, I settled into a 3-step process:

  • cut out the shape roughly with scissors
  • use the snippers for more precise lines
  • smooth the cuts with the hobby knife
This usually shaves off a millimetre here and there, but no big deal.

Pick out the exact center of the piece, and drill a hole. Again, I did this is multiple steps:

  • guide hole with hobby knife
  • 1mm hole with pin vice
  • 2mm hole with electric drill
  • 3mm hole with electric drill
  • enlarge with hobby knife, as the plasticard is too rigid and the magnet did not fit exactly.

Cut out 1.5x2cm pieces for the middle sections. Place it about 1.3cm from one end and fix with superglue.

After the glue dries, the middle section provides a good counter surface to support the magnet. Glue it in.

Decorate with doodads. The winged skulls are from the Chimera kit, while the top one - you guessed it - guardsmen's canteens. Decorative half-gem studs should work well as giant bolts that reinforce the structure.

Check fitting, magnet polarity, and looks. 

Brute shields

Cut out 2x2cm pieces of plasticard. Drill a hole and glue in a magnet in the exact middle.

Cut out a rounded shape from a blister pack. I cut out the entire side with a cutter, then compared to the miniature and rounded it off with scissors.

Prepare some bits and bobs as shield bosses (also conveniently hide the magnet).

This storm shield is a bit large so I decided to clip its sides. I also chopped off then hand in the back.

The bottom bit is an iron halo I think, which I shaved the backside of so it sits flat on its back. I have no idea what the left bit is, but it has plasma coils under the cap.

At this point prime and paint the pieces. Finally assemble the whole thing.

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