
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Converting Ogors into Ogryns


If you compare the pricing of Ogryns and Ogors, you'll notice that 6 models are better than 3 for the same price. Of course, a bit of conversion work is required.


Assemble the bodies, feet and heads. Instead of the gut plates, I swiped some leftover Chimera bits: two hatch covers and some sort of plate from the kit which is not actually used.

Gun hand

I found this sword hand the best as a gun holding hand.

I have this gun bit from an eBay job lot. Based on the design I'd say it's a grav gun of sorts, but I can't find its exact match.

I chopped off a bit where the handle will go. I cut into the other end where the barrel goes. Then I drilled in a 3mm hole, enough for a q-tip barrel to fit. I fixed it with superglue. Then a knife (I think from the Scout kit) fixed with plastic glue and superglue.  

I did this 3 times. Once the drilled hole went a bit sideways, so I put the knife on the side instead of below.

Then I affixed some random bits on the top of each gun. I recognize the melta bomb, but not the other two. 

Left hand

Bellower left hand for the sergeant. He's shouting obscenities about your Warlord.

For the other two, I chopped up two mace hands. I also chopped up a cleaver from the Ogor kit and a Bloodreaver knife left over in the bits box.

Plastic glue for the win.


Using an improvised rolling pin (this time, it was the knife handle) and some baking paper, flat out a piece of green stuff, then cut out a rectangle. I picked it up with my Citadel texture brush, then placed it on the previously lobotomized head and smoothed it unto the skull. I then decorated it with a big pink bolt. Too much, I think, but it's too late now.

Later edit: it looks like fine after painting.

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