
Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Rebasening: Daemonettes

It's been more than a year since I went ahead and re-based my Bloodletters to 32mm. The time has come to re-base everything else as well... starting with the Daemonettes.

As they are among the first models I've ever painted, I of course originally placed them on just the metal washers. These now look... funny, to say the least. I toyed around with the idea of cutting them all off and gluing them directly to plastic bases, but that would be way too much work.

Step one, scrape off the paint from the underside of the washer, and superglue everything to plastic bases.

Step two, notice that these are actually slotta bases. Sigh. Fill in the slots with putty.

Step three, notice that there is a small circular depression in the middle (obviously) which will look funny if I just put some grass in there.

Step four, fill in the hole with more putty.

Step five, apply basing to the putty to make the bases seamless.

Step six, glue washers on the underside of the bases so the movement trays still work. More sigh.

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