
Monday, June 27, 2022

M.A.G.U.S. - Enter Ediomad

A new adventure begins! I decided against retconning anything, and instead described how the adventurers traveled inside the undead whale - quite a miserable experience. After some time, the party stepped unto the shores of an underground cave - Biznard, the barbarian; Felgrin, the wizard; Shamil, the assassin; and Ylimor, the paladin.[1]

The liche said they will debark in the territory of long dead humans; they shall descend to the depths, into the demesne of the Nightbringer; and bring back The Stone.[2] And that they did, after a short lunch break.

The corridor descending into the darkness, lit only by lanterns and magical light, was soon barred by the statue of a fat man holding a globe. Missing their thief companion[3], the adventurers only saw the hinges, and pushed with all their might to open the door. Technically, they succeeded - but then the globe exploded into shards, followed by the leaking of a greenish gas. By the time Felgrin conjured a stream of air to push it back, his three companions were already out cold. Thinking fast, the wizard pulled some smelling salts, but only managed to wake the paladin. Fortunately, he could pull their companions back to the relative safety of the docks. There they waited for a couple of hours, until everybody got back on their feet.

Once at full strength, the party once again decided to brave the depths. No traps this time, and they made it into a huge hall reliefed with all sorts of hellish creatures. One had empty eyesockets, and the assassin peaked in, revealing an empty armory. Felgrin warped the wall away, and the adventurers walked in to find a load of rusted arms and armors. Well, except the short sword stabbed into the table. Biznard examined it with his magical hammer[4] and found out that the blade is very accurate and strong for its size. Shamil immediately pulled it out, and came to agree with the assessment. Well that, plus an immediate attachment to the sword, forbearing him from ever letting go of it. Felgrin inspected its magical runes, confirming the spell but unable to break it. Not that Shamil wanted it broken - he just found The Best Sword In The World!!!111oneone1

Leaving the armory, the adventurers decided to explore all of the dungeon, coming into a natural cave at the end of the man-made corridor. Except of course, the pillars made out of bones mortared together. An so the rocks seemed to animate and attack them.

The fight was somewhat short, with Biznard's hammers brutally effective against the stone-like creatures. The monsters barely scratched Shamil, but poisoned Ylimor with their spit. Felgrin also killed two with flame arrows.

Turning back, the adventurers explored one more room: a circular hall with great pillars at the intersection of 4 corridors. It contained the skeleton of a giant snake, and a hidden message spelling certain death.

[1] Cahir was missing due to IRL illness.
[2] 'Well what does it look like?' 'You'll know it when you see it.'
[3] Athosian will be sitting out this one.
[4] One of 5, the one that shows him the last fight the weapon was used in.

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