
Monday, June 20, 2022

M.A.G.U.S. - A royal ball

Against all odds, the team reassembled (minus Athosian, but with a potential new member) to play a game of MAGUS and wrap up their latest adventure.

We started off on the boat, sailing the baron homewards. Our first stop, however, was the port of Nyanzaru, for a well deserved dinner, bath and sleep at the Drunken Unicorn. I expected somebody to start a bar fight, but we were quite efficient and hungry to actually play the game and advance our quest.

The next day, we bought a butchered pig for Cahir to fight in the lighthouse. Yeah, there's no way to put that so it doesn't come out weirdly. The things we do for power...

Even before Cahir fought the pig, we had to bribe the lighthouse guard. Then bricks started flying out of the tower, so we had to bribe the town guard, and the town priest as well. Quite a costly adventure. As soon as Cahir finished, we gated unto the ship and sailed away, just as the lighthouse collapsed. Good riddance.

Arriving back to the capital city of Ifin, we were again surprised by the atmosphere among the general populace, and their fear of the so-called Faceless. But time was pressing, so we dressed up (on the baron's payroll, obviously) and went to the royal ball. 

The DM admitted that he expected us to lose more time, and this part wasn't 100% done, but we preferred to wrap it up quickly and get on with the next adventure. Therefore, there weren't many social encounters here, just a diplomat and some nobles, as well as the high prince's gorgeous wife and her magical gown.[1]

We fast tracked through telling the high prince our story regarding the dragon and the destroyed city, and the remainder of the night. Finally, the prince told his people about him using undead for simple tasks, which should revitalize their economy. Many more can be made, with a ready conversion rate, providing enough dead bodies. Quite charming.

This was also the time and place to meet our prospective new party member, Ylimor. The armored knight intervened when a lesser noble started making trouble and calling the Faceless blasphemy.

Lastly, Ylimor and his high priest convened to hire us to stop the creation of more undead. We obviously accepted, a job's a job. We visited the wizard creating the Faceless, who turned out to be the liche Hielda Salgaron. We struck a bargain, promising an artefact from the depths of some dungeon in exchange for him leaving this part of the continent.

The liche promised us transport, and we walked into the mouth of an undead whale to ply the depths of the Quiron Sea...

[1] Eliciting furious looks from my sorceress.

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