
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Painting a paladin with fiery blade

The latest addition to our MAGUS party, representing the paladin Ylimor con Dara.


Prime Munitorum Varnish (due to it being Reaper Bones), then Leadbelcher. Paint shiny silver, but given that it's a large and intricate area, first drybrush with Chainmail Silver, then edge highlight Silver.

A thin layer of Iyanden Yellow results in a perfect pale gold. Regularly applied, along with Gryph Hound Orange and Blood Angels Red gives a shiny fire effect.

Basecoat the remaining details in Wraithbone, then apply Contrast basecoats.

Face (a bit messed up due to warping/mold lines on the right, where I couldn't even get with a brush), eyes, hair. Armor joints Black Templar (as they are ribbed and provide enough highlights), sword handle Snakebite Leather (same as above).

Inspired by the Catholic priests' robes, I went with purple cloth. Basecoat Shyish Purple, highlight Hexed Lichen, mix in Dead White twice for a progressively lighter highlight color.

Paint the base black, then spray varnish.


Wasteland base to match our underground adventures. 


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