
Monday, July 18, 2022

Word Bearers vs T'au

My second dip into the Nephilim mission pack and first outing with the freshly painted Word Bearers.

Chaos groupies dressed as nuns!

T'au commander across the field.

Battle round 1

The T'au got first turn. One day, I'll get first turn as well. One day.

Anyway, the first shooting phase just killed a few Cultists. However, the T'au positioned all over the board to hold me back. Kroot moved and moved again to take both empty table quarters. Tanks remained hidden behind ruins.

On my turn, I decided to sortie in force. 

The Terminators exited their Land Raider but proceeded to fail their 7" charge... with a reroll.

I took the middle, but had to expose the Possessed to Exalt the Dark Gods. 

Daemon Engines exit to threaten the right flank. The Spawn was supposed to be my MVP... and he did charge the transparent Kroot Hounds, but did 0 damage.

Sad Terminators hanging out in the open.

Also, there was an exposed Commander. 4 Soul-tearer Lascannons managed to kill 1 drone. That was all.

T'au, turn 2

Commanders and Hammerheads poke out their heads.

Breachers and Kroot do actions, everything else prepares to fire.

Kroot Hounds fall back, intent on blocking the daemon engines.

Crisis Suits land, everything exits to battle.

I was very sad at the end of this turn, as all the Terminators died in a hail of plasma even with Grandfather's blessings. Both Daemon Engines died to Hammerheads and Crisis Suits and Commanders. Spawn died to Kroot shooting. Rhino and Land Raider tied up by Kroot Hounds.

Word Bearers, turn 2

I managed to finagle my Rubrics out of their Rhino to threaten the Crisis Suits. Cultists fall back to take the objective for The Long War. Havocs exit and spin up their chaincannons.

Dark Apostle heads towards the Stealth Suits, covered by Cultists. Possessed Exalt the Dark Gods.

Obliterators exit to take the objective. 

At least they managed that.

The Rubrics hosed down the Crisis suits, after some superficial damage by the Havocs. I love myself them flamers.

The Dark Apostle absolutely minced the Stealth Suits. At least I know he's dependable too.

T'au turn 3

Having downed most of my heavy hitters, at the expense of some Crisis suits and screens, the T'au closed in for the kill.

The Obliterators and the Sorcerer died to plasma and everything.

The Cultists died, but the Rubrics proved very resilient. I still love them.

Word Bearers, turn 3

I mopped up the left flank, and screened the Apostle with the tanks.


No more pictures after this point. We played it out but sped up some details. 

T'au victory 74-47!


Well, this was educational. I blame mostly the superb plays by the T'au, and my awful plays - to be honest, I had no idea what I was doing. But I now know some things about my units:
  • Terminators exited way too early. Trust in your Land Raider boys.
  • Daemon Engines exited way too early. Instead I should have put the Lander Raider in the center and the Lord Discordant right behind. He would have been protected for longer.
  • I blew some uses of Hexagrammatic Wards on hopeless cases. Preserve them better next time.
  • Rubrics are awesome with Let the Galaxy Burn!
  • The Dark Apostle is great in melee, the problem is how to get him there.
  • Secondaries are... not great. Possessed are wasted doing Exalt the Dark Gods.
  • Obliterators might be useless starting on the table. I actually had zero great firing opportunities with them. I'll consider deep striking next game.
  • A Master of Possession could be better than a Sorcerer. But how to still access Death Hex?
  • A Land Raider is wasted hiding. Step out there and draw the fire!

I'll probably keep playing Chaos Marines for now, with more models on the painting table as well. Although the daemon codex was just announced by GW...

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