
Monday, August 29, 2022

M.A.G.U.S. - Through the dungeon

The adventurers gathered themselves in the round chamber. Biznard and Shamil threw up on each other[1] as Cahir broke in with fresh chowder made of undead whale. It was also at this point that the new party member, the rogue Dalibor made his appearance.

The brave, brave adventurers decided on going left first, exploring a large hall with larger-than-life statues of almost humanoid warriors. One of them had a fiery surprise for Felgrin, who cupped the little flame and started bouncing it. Cue explosion.

Next up, the party entered a large throne room. They looked at the huge reptilian skeleton scattered around the snake-motif throne. Dalibor opened what looked to be a servants' room, only for a huge pile of skulls to fall out on him. Just as a prank, Felgrin floated a skull behind him with telekinesis, at which point the rogue freaked out. Fun times.

But he freaked out even more as he noticed the hidden compartment in the throne seat and tried to open it. The armrests animated into magical snakes and bit him. Cahir went in swinging, getting bit as well. His attacks seemed not to damage the throne, so the party backed off. Felgrin tried floating items around the throne, to no effect. He also opened the compartment with telekinesis, but it was empty. Cahir decided to test the effective range of the trap, getting bit twice. The conclusion: the trigger is probably not the presence of an intelligent being. Not even magical scrying revealed the secret, so they decided to leave it as is.

Dalibor went to inspect the double doors behind the throne. The doors were not locked, but heavy; to quote the skinny rogue: "Hey guys, if anybody wants to open this up, we can take a look inside!" Ylimor shouldered the doors open[2], revealing a mysteriously frightening room. A statue of a fish-man holding a small object in the middle of the room proved to be less interesting than the force field holding up acid on the ceiling. After much deliberation, the adventurers decided to leave it and try the other corridors; but not before some interesting quotes from Ylimor, really hammering in his paladin-like mentality:

(to Cahir, as the latter was deliberating on what to do with the room, and not wanting to die in acid) "A true knight does not back down from any challenge!"

(to Felgrin, as he was analyzing the different possible triggers for the acid possibly falling down) "I say, the real test of the heretic is the torture!"

Anyway, the adventurers backed up into the round room and carried on downwards, without Felgrin for the rest of the session[3]. They passed the still mostly intact corpse of a giant reptile, and Ylimor promptly fell into a pit trap. The other two pulled him out, and they decided on yanking the giant corpse into the pit to fill it up. Let's say that the giant centipedes hiding inside proved to be a nice surprise for everyone.

Next up, they ran into the lowered portcullis, which they decided to avoid and continue to the right. They stepped into a great feast hall smelling of rot and decay[4], but Dalibor still managed to round up a golden chalice. He also found a small attached kitchen, with a ghost hiding below a turned-up pot. As the rogue tried to crawl away on hands and knees, and Ylimor's holy symbol proved ineffective, Cahir's rune-enchanted blade saved the day, dissipating the apparition on the second strike.

The adventurers carried on rightwards, chancing upon a huge deformed humanoid still munching some rotten meat. The party made short work of the monster, ending the session on a note of success.

[1] Think Family Guy. That's for canceling at the last minute.
[2] As he did every door during this session.
[3] He was... down with the sickness.
[4] Kind of the theme of the place.

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