
Thursday, August 25, 2022

Painting a nymph


I bought her and the dryad on a whim. I like these transparent miniatures, as they are quite fun to mess around using Contrast paints.


Prime  using Munitorum Varnish. 

Coat overall using heavily diluted Ultramarines Blue.

Paint the water with undiluted Ultramarines Blue. Paint the clothes diluted Ork Flesh. Paint the hair and vines Cygor Brown.

At this point I realized that the Cygor Brown was way too dark and made the head look funny and non-transparent. Oh well, next time I'll dilute it or use a lighter brown.

I painted a base with Electric Blue, then glued on the miniature. The translucent base played well with this, and I painted the uncovered rim Ultramarine Blue.


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