
Thursday, August 18, 2022

Painting a snake lady

A quick Contrast-based paintjob on a metallic undercoat.


Prime Munitorum Varnish, then Leadbelcher. Paint silver.

Paint all the snake parts in Aethermatic Blue. Then diluted Akhelian Green and paint all the back scales.

Another layer for rough diamond patterns on the back.

Break up the armor by adding colored details using Snakebite Leather. Add a touch of magic to the sword by running Gryph Hound Orange into the runes. Hint: application can be sloppy, a quick swipe of the finger can take the paint off the blade.

Cygor Brown on the shield straps should mask the metallic shine just enough.

Come back with Silver for minimal highlights: edge the large belly scales, dot the rivets on the shield.



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