
Thursday, September 1, 2022

August review and September goals

I had to dial hobbying back in August, due to both real life responsibilities, as well as time off with the family. However, it still went well. 

I got some Word Bearers done, including two cool daemon engines. I painted a batch of infantry. And I also stripped some old models of paint, readying them for September. But now the daemon codex is out... oh well. We'll see.

Gaming was also subdued, with one session of D&D (which, however, went surprisingly well. I feel motivated and excited about the game for the first time in months); one game of Warhammer 40,000; and one session of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. That was new, we'll probably continue next month.

September might be tough, with the school year starting and real life still looming around the corner, but here's to new and successful endeavours!

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