
Monday, September 5, 2022

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Inside the princess castle dollhouse

Previous session synopsis, which I missed (first one this campaign, I think): the party exited the side cave, only to encounter a patch of quicksand, where Stella[1] died. They went into another side cave, encountering a pool of darkness. They crossed it on flying brooms, but Stella was made to jump and she died again. Inside there was a castle dollhouse, which the adventurers approached while diminished in size by some magical effect. Inside they fought a homunculus and a flying sword.

During this session, we explored the castle. Starting with the bathroom, where we found ourselves at the beginning. There was running water and whatnot, so we took baths and Szivem took some bottles of perfume. Next there was a dining hall, where we were served a luxurious meal by invisible servants. Magical wine jugs kept refilling. Identify told me they would lose their magic outside the castle, so I discarded the idea of taking them for profit. 

Now for the fun part.

In the study, we met another homunculus, who tried to communicate with us by shredding the drawing of a feary dragon. We approved, at which point it led us to a portal-mirror hiding a magical helm. I identified it as making the wearer immune to any damage while inside the castle. Szivem chose to wear it.

But the real treasure was the desk and chair made out of spellbooks! I tried prying them open with a dagger, summoning a Barlgura to tear it open by force, then going back to the dagger, resulting in a grand total of 12 usable spellbooks looted. Zyn cried in happiness.

We carried on relentlessly, as we were ambushed by a Mage Hand. Well, it distracted Tari while Szivem took a Color Spray to the face from the air. Nothing happened.

Next up, the treasure room a pirate, maybe. Empty lockers all around. I took a portrait of Halaster, as well as an enchanted boat shrank down into a bottle.

Next up, the servants' room, all burned up. I took a burned but still usable skeleton.

In the musical room, full of instruments, we met an old man locked inside an oversized string instrument. He confessed to be Zartem, locked inside by another dude called Madgot, who enjoys hunting and killing wizards. We decided to free him, but not before Szivem tried playing the instrument, thus hurting the guy's ears. Ireth transformed into an Ankylosaurs, smashing the instrument. At which point the guy picked up a sword and jumped us. We killed him, and he turned out to be a shapeshifting frog man.

The following interesting room had a big M engraved into the glass door, and great snoring coming from the fluffy bed. We sneaked in, seeing portraits of mages with a conjuration aura all over them. Augury told me it would be a bad idea to wake up the sleeper. Reasonable, I said; I would not like to be awakened by strangers either. So we exited, and I had Szivem knock on the door. Nothing. She went in and tried digging into the bed, at which point all the portraits shot magic missiles at her. Thanks to the helm, nothing happened. The room turned out to be a trap, with nobody in the bed. We thrashed it, burned the bed, cut up the portraits, and stole a set of well-carved chess.

In the dressing room, we found a convincing mind flayer costume, which Szivem took.

The archive was full of dossiers concerning mostly dead mages, although some attained lichdom judging by the notes. There was one locked door, which I managed to open with my tools, only to be blasted back. Who cares. But the room was empty. Much sad. At least it made for a defensible location for a short rest.

[1] The paladin's summoned steed.

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