
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Painting cultists (slapchop method)

Part of a Mansions of Madness lot I bought off eBay some time ago. With the success of the slapchop method on the genies, I decided to experiment more on cloth.

Slapchop method

I couldn't figure out a good Contrast paint for the ground, so I left the technical paint for last.

Blood Angels Red, Nazdreg Yellow and Basilicanum Grey work well with this technique, even on large surfaces. Wyldwood (staves) and Aethermatic Blue (orbs) work well on small surfaces, so far. Cygor Brown completely overwhelmes the underpainting, but on small surfaces like the shoes it didn't really matter. Darkoath Flesh does not work, but I painted the skin anyway to help with the real basecoat.

Regular painting

Finish off with some painting tips:

Spray varnish at this point.


Simplified wasteland base.


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