
Monday, October 24, 2022

Prepare a circuit with LEDs


First step, and I can't stress this enough: plan ahead. Draw the circuit if needed.

In this case, I could prepare the circuit on the armature and mount it into my miniature's base after. Other times, I had to assemble it part way, and mount it in subassemblies. Plan on a case by case basis.

After everything is planned (and remember, plan thrice, solder once!), prepare the cables and solder any joins to the battery holder, switch and LEDs. An armature like this comes in handy. Remember to test your circuit with regard to polarity after every step. Otherwise you'll have to cut and re-solder...

Thou shalt not leave copper visible! Unfortunately, ductape (or at least the variety that I own) is very poor at this scale, unsticking at the first opportunity. After cutting it to small strips and fitting it around every join by hand, I pour some superglue into the nooks and crannies. Remember: if any part of the cables that don't suppose to touch DO touch, the circuit fails to light the LEDs.


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