
Monday, October 3, 2022

Word Bearers vs Custodes, 29.09.2022

The Word Bearers invade Imperial space once again in this mission of Recover the Relics.

I am not one to usually blame the dice, but let's call this game 'When the Custodes couldn't fail a 4+'.

Cultists and Chaos Groupies hold the objectives, with everything else ready to pounce from behind ruins.

Cowardly Custodes hidden as well across the board.

Battle round 1

I got first turn, which later turned out to be bad, for once. But let's see what happened. Cultists surge forward on the sides to take the objectives, while everything else moves out. Some shots are fired, taking out one Custodian peaking out on the left. 0 points, as I realize how bad my secondary mission choices were.

Custodes then inch forwards as well, firing some shots into the Rhino carrying the Rubrics, taking it out.

Battle round 2

The middle moves forward, with the Rubrics Warp Time-ing themselves into flamer range. Characters run up, realizing that you can't action after advancing. Once again 0 secondary points.

Havocs get out of the Rhino on the left to take advantage of the Custodes out in the open. They kill a grand total of 1 Custodian.

Smites, Land Raider fire and Warpflamers take out jetbikes and Sagittarum custodians.

No Tyranids this game!

The Custodes responded by firing everything into the Rubrics, then charging them with the suicidal Sagittarum, who died to overwatch. Then the Custodes continued by failing all their charges, except for Trajan Valoris who got into the Rubrics and knocked the squad down to the Aspiring Sorcerer. With but a minor points lead and bad positioning across the board, the Custodians looked to be in trouble!

Battle round 3

All in! Chaos Lord charges into the Shield Captains, with the Chosen exiting the Raider and joining as well. Land Raider takes out the Dreadnought in combat in one hail of fire.

Havocs once again fail everything, so the Rhino charges the sword-and-board Guardians to tie them up.

I almost cried when my Terminator Lord with double daemon weapons rolled only 1 wound against Trajan, who of course saved it.

The Allarus Captain teleported in, with only Hexagrammatic Ward saving the Master of Posessions. Chosen did work by taking out the bike captain.

In return, the Custodes charged in, took out objective holding Cultists, tied up Havocs, and scored more points. Once again, the Terminator Lord threw a bucket of dice against Trajan, doing 1 damage. The Chosen held well, but against a lot of D3 attacks, they buckled in the end.

Battle round 4

Cypher came in to maybe take out some objective holders. Guess what: 4+.

The Terminator Lord now divided his attacks in between the second Dreadnought and Trajan, doing nothing.

Oh did mention that I wasn't able to fall back with anything? I then took advantage of the fire into combat stratagem with the havocs, who did 0 wounds to the Allarus terminator battling the Cultists.

After another round of fails, I threw in the towel.

You can't fight the dice, man.

Although I tried. I tried very hard. And so did my Lord, holding out and rolling buckets every turn. To no avail.

I'm thinking of retiring the Havocs after two games of nothing. Technically, they did well, hitting and wounding consistently. However, nothing went through. Same for the Terminator Lord. Even without a second relic (which would be illegal, hehe), he should have done very well, judging by the amounts of dice. But again, 4+.

Land Raider MVP as always, although I can't understand why it works the way it works. Soul shatter lascannons should be more consistent than regular ones, but they either grossly overkill or bounce off. 

Rubric Marines should also get a medal (or at least a name on the Aspiring Sorcerer). I'm thinking of running 6x10-man units with warpflamers instead of everything else. JK, who has that.

Lastly, an honorable mention to the psykers. The Master of Possession doesn't bring that much to the table without daemonkin to work with, but Smite and Delightful Agonies are still good powers. The Terminator Sorcerer with his Malefic Tome and Daemonic Whispers got out a lot of powers, and got in a lot of command points.

I'm never going to have enough HQ slots for everything I want in a list...

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