
Monday, November 28, 2022

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Snake boss fight

Summary of last session, which I missed: we beat a golem, some undead, and a mage commanding 3 undead minotaurs. Good job. Now on to the fun stuff.

We started the session with only 2 players and advanced into the underground swamp with the skeletons in front and us on a Broom of Flying so we don't get dirty.[1] We were greeted by the impact of crossbow bolts, as two drow ambushed us. I summoned a Barlgura behind them, which made short work of one, while the other got away. Not matter.

We carried on, now with Tari in tow, until we reached a dungeon - a cave room with manacles hanging off the walls, and one drow chained there. We talked to Xira, who turned out to be friendly and talkative. We negotiated to let her go in return for information. I opened her locks, and she told us about the snake people with a magic staff that they use to charm their prisoners. Anybody who resists is dragged to this dungeon. Then it all happens again the next morning. I tried a bit of charming myself, and Xira led us through the labyrinth, up to the snake people's residence. There she awaited, with some food we handed her for good measure.

We ran into a duergar standing guard. I told her we are here to submit to the snake people, and she lead us to some sort of arena, with two large snakes with humanoid heads guarding a throne. As she prostrated herself to introduce us, I triggered the fight by polymorphing one snake into a worm, and having the one surviving[2] skeleton grab the duergar. I then flew upwards, to keep my distance and maintain concentration. Keeping at least one out of the fight was key, I thought. Szivem cast Hold Monster on the other snake, while Tari engaged her trademark machine gun mode. All's well, so far.

Two trolls entered the arena from behind us, and clobbered Szivem. I flew in and teleported us out. 

The surviving drow entered the arena and shot me - good thing I passed my Concentration. With the situation desperate, I cast Steel Wind Strike, taking out the humanoids and one Troll.

The snake then died as well[3], leaving the second troll to be shot down. I whispered to Szivem: 'Do fire magic on the troll!' She instead drank a health potion, so the Troll got up and went after Tari again. This time[4], she got the hint, and took care of the monster with Scorching Ray.

I tried to execute the remaining snake by placing it in a small crack in the wall, but it un-polymorphed dexterously and slithered out. We bombarded it with spells until it died. And we looted the chamber, where the snakes had apparently amassed a large wealth. Cool.

So ended the best D&D session in memory. Or at least the ones I do remember. Great teamwork, out of the box thinking, using rare abilities and items. Can't wait for the next tough fight.

[1] Like real nobles.
[2] He he he.
[3] With all the fire magic and arrows flying, small wonder.
[4] After some deliberation.

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