
Monday, December 5, 2022

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Player 1 has entered the game

Not content on defeating the snake people, we wanted to loot all their stuff. And I mean ALL. That's how we got into their poisonous spa.

So their setup was quite nice, with an illuminated underwater lake. We went into the water, obviously, and it proved to be poisonous. We got out. I went over with the broom to check on the light source, and lo and behold, there was a gem at the bottom, blessed by somebody to shed light and poison any water it was placed in. Kind of useless, as the water immediately became safe to consume as it was removed from the lake. But I put it away, nonetheless.

Another point of interest was a statue of dwarven Dwayne Johnson[1] in the water. Once we went quiet, Ireth noticed that the statue sounded of snakes. I went in to stroke its bald head, and I heard a slithering voice in my mind, telling me to ask a question. I asked how many Yuan-Ti are still in the caves. The voice said it's no good and shut up. We knocked down the statue and inspected it for magic, but nothing came up.

We plodded back into the swamp, going through a place with lots of bones everywhere. As I was flying around, identifying as an Apache attack helicopter (with Tari on the broom) looking for intact skeletons, some bones assembled into a bone naga and attacked us with poison and lightning. It only took a couple of spells for it to die.

Next up, I was looking for a dry place to land for a short rest. I had to bandage everybody after the fight, so might as well fix that. I spotted just the right little island, but as soon as we landed on it with Tari, a hologram lit up with a couple of Yuan-Ti fighting a naga (as we learned the human-faced snakes are called) and our minds were sucked into the game. We fought the naga with puny scimitars for 3 turns until the rest of the party landed on the island, with Solid and Szivem entering the game.[2] Ireth shook Szivem to wake her up, and she did leave the game, which sucked in Ireth instead. Solid died, and also left, but taking some psychic damage at the shock. After lots of low-intensity fighting[3] we finally defeated the monster, and left the game to enjoy the victory cinematic. As the Yuan-Ti celebrated, a bone naga rose up, and the movie ended.

Continuing our trek, we saw a large congregation of frog people, but I asked the party to leave them for another time, as we had no means of communicating with them.[4] We retreated to the entrance to the level for a long rest, but soon discovered that Solid, Szivem and myself couldn't rest due to intense nightmares. After some thinking, we realized that the 3 of us touched the statue of the snake god several sessions earlier. Good thing that Solid had a Remove curse prepared. 

With all the time spent, we then made another 14 hours of rest to get everybody up to full, before ending the session.

[1] DM: It's a rock. Me: Dwayne Johnson? DM: Exactly.
[2] There were only 4 Yuan-Ti in the hologram.
[3] Who knew it was so hard to land a hit with only +3. And then only do D6+1 damage. It took ages.
[4] Tongues is such a good spell.

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