
Monday, January 30, 2023

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Zyn and the Legends were here... and they beat the snakes

Back to swampy land! At least we were well rested, and I decided to change up my prepared spell list a bit. Everybody's quite tired by Summon Greater Demon by now, I bet.

Obviously we got lost getting back to where we were, so as we tracked through a swampy tunnel with snake reliefs all around, I took the time to cast Magic Mouth[1] and to draw the princess hopping around in the mud. I still contributed to the team effort though, with my zombie triggering a dart trap. The princess shouted for me, and I ferried her and Solid across safely.[2]

As the tunnel opened up into a larger cavern, we saw what we came for: the frog people. And giant frogs to accompany them. It's like a theme or whatever. So I cast Tongues and went in all friendly and announced them that the snake people have been eliminated. At which point they asked for the password and attacked. Looks like literally nobody in this damn dungeon wants to live.

Obviously they died like chumps[3] and netted me 3 zombies.

We went into the temple they were possibly guarding, full of winged snake statues. Again, a theme. As Szivem went to dance on the altar or something, a frogman assassin jumped her. Guess who died.

We opened the hidden door behind the altar, finding a room with another altar. Szivem found the hidden button opening the hidden drawer with the hidden perfumed red candle. I took it out, at which point two giant armed snake men materialized in the room. I got frightened and ran out before we realized our paladin makes us immune to fear, after which we just... killed them till they died. And also made a magic mouth on a statue announcing that Zyn and the Legends were here, beat the snakes, and found the hidden drawer.

[1] Zyn and the Legends were here!
[2] As usual, Tari was already riding my broom. Apache attack helicopter go!
[3] Fireball!

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