
Monday, January 23, 2023

Word Bearers vs Black Legion, 17.01.2023

Kick off this year's Warhammer with a Chaos on Chaos game of the souped-up Dark Apostle vs Abaddon!

We drew some Tempest of War cards but again decided to ignore the mission rules. We somehow always get reserve shenanigans when 10 Terminators need to go into deep strike.

Note the Immolator on my left flank - I forgot to bring an extra Rhino.

Battle round 1

I won first turn and surged forwards just a bit. The Land Raider pinged off a couple of Possessed.

The Black Legion responded with overwhelming force, charging my Accursed Cultists. I just assembled them a couple days before, it made sense for them to die without doing anything.

The Cultists died and Abaddon was exposed.

Battle round 2

CHAAAAAAAAARGE! Yes, with a Rhino. Among many other things.

I had the Daemon Prince stay in with Abaddon and cast Death Hex, then the Apostle charged in as well. I took off Abby's 3 wounds and killed a single Possessed due to good saves. Disappointing, but at least everything survived on my side as well. Splitting attacks is bad, kids!

Heroic Rhino blocking the entire right flank of the Black Legion.

As expected, Abaddon killed everything, and the Dark Apostle failed his Dark Pact roll. It never works. One day... one day, it will work.

The Black Legion Terminators also came in, shot down my backfield Cultists and made their 9" charge into my Master of Posessions. RIP. There go all the HQs.

Battle round 3

It was time for an all-in, and see what happens after the dust settles. 

My 5 Terminators exited their Land Raider, shot down Abaddon then charged the enemy Possessed.

My Chosen exited their Rhino, gunned down Cultists and charged and killed a unit of Legionaries.

Hero Land Raider charged the Terminators, holding them there for a long time coming.

Rubric Marines exited their Rhino, double moved up and killed the enemy infantry holding the center - one Master of Possessions and some Raptors.

Just one problem left - the entire Black Legion right flank with its fighty daemons was still there.

Speaking of, the Daemon Prince charged in and took 7 wounds. Just one more would have been nice... but then the Disco Lord joined in and they slaughtered the Rubrics.

Battle round 4

I sent in the Venomcrawler to take some heat off the Raider and stall for time.

The Chosen went in but got stonewalled by an Intoxicating Elixir.

Further on...

With our units seriously diminished, I fought the Black Legion to a standstill and tried to keep up my lead in points. However, I ran out of steam by round 5 and my opponent scored all 3 cards along with a bunch of primary points. 70-71 for the Black Legion!

This was an excellent and very close game, with a great comeback at the end. We both forgot a bunch of rules, but that's what you get after a long, long pause. At least we managed to actually finish our game - a first for the pair of us!

I am not bitter at all that the freshly assembled Accursed Cultists died first turn. At least they showed off their resilience by taking their sweet time to die. I might make more of them in the long run.

The Daemon Prince did nothing except get off one good cast. Talons are worthless against marines.

The Land Raider did well. The Word Bearers stratagems are awesome (except Dark Pact, it never works). The enemy Havocs did nothing, as I expected. Rhinos are awesome at blocking and stalling.

Abaddon is a beast, and a great distraction. I went all in on him and sacrificed more units than I should have. Perhaps next time I'll take more care...

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