
Monday, February 13, 2023

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Magic academy of demon summoning

Note that we played less this session, as we had another long-time missing player return as Selene, the sassy sorceress. 

Anyway, we carried on deeper into the dungeon into man-made halls of stone. In a sort of entrance chamber, a withered hand floated in the air. I went to inspect it, only to receive a Cone of Cold in the face. Surprise!

Just as we prepared to retaliate, an old mage looking like Halaster came out and told the hand to stand down. He then welcomed us to the academy of magical studies. We introduced ourselves, and then proceeded to take a magical shower.[1]

Next up: entrance fees to the academy. One magical item per person. Just as I was tallying up things that I could give up, the old fool finally admitted that there is one more way to pay.[2] A student messed up a demon summoning and somebody has to clean up the mess. Well, why didn't you start with that? We did ask for a short rest beforehand, as we were quite messed up after our last fight.

After our rest[3], we were led by Halaster[4] through the halls, passed a student studying by wand light guarded by a female half orc bodyguard[5], and arrived at some chambers. We went in and looked around, but no demon. The room was well warded though, so we assumed it was still there. It wasn't. It was in the adjacent room, and came in when we opened  the door and broke the wards that way. It turned out to be a bone devil and offered us a deal. We decided to fight it instead. It immediately summoned another bone devil[6] and the fight was on!

Well, for like 10 minutes. Real life popped up its ugly head, and so we ended the session there.

[1] For at least half an hour IRL time, describing in detail our experience.
[2] No, not that.
[3] In an empty room, but I had my zombies act as chairs.
[4] I still don't believe it's him. Not even after a natural 20 on Investigation.
[5] I bet they'll become important later.
[6] Clone? Mirror image?

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