
Thursday, February 2, 2023

January review and February goals

So, uh, January passed.

Let's start with the good stuff. RPG sessions restarted after the winter holidays, and I played a game of 40k as well, so as not to forget how to roll dice. So far, so good.

At home hobbying is close to zero. I started unpacking my stuff, assembled some miniatures (least effort and quantity of equipment), but no painting. So. Much. Stuff. To. Do. Way too much stress and way less contiguous time to start painting. Way easier to unwind by slaughtering a bunch of pixel people, be that human soldiers (Assassin' Creed: Freedom Cry), necrons (Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus), demons (Diablo 2 Resurrected) or mutants (Fallout 4).

Although I am making teeny, tiny bits of progress towards my next goal, which is a converted miniature for the March painting competition, My Precious Edition...

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